Common Spring Allergies

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Spring allergies are no joke here in central Florida. As early as late December, temperatures can rise enough to bring about many environmental allergies. By the time spring allergy season ends in May, allergy sufferers have spent half a year dealing with constant sneezing, coughing, and congestion.

Knowledge is power when it comes to dealing with spring allergies. Allergy testing can inform you about your exact allergy triggers and allow your allergist to formulate customized allergy drops based on your specific triggers. Armed with this knowledge, you can avoid places and situations where your allergies are likely to act up. Some of the most common spring allergy triggers we can identify with allergy testing include: (more…)

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Get the Jump on Spring Allergies Through Testing

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If you suffer from spring allergies, you know how much sneezing, coughing, and congestion can affect your everyday life. Modern allergy testing allows us to pinpoint the cause of allergies more precisely than ever. By knowing exactly what causes your allergies, you can take steps to avoid your triggers and always have exactly the right emergency medication with you.

What Do Allergy Tests Test For?

Allergy tests can identify sensitivity to dozens of allergens, both common and rare. Whether your allergies are environmental, food-based, or insect-based, there’s an allergy test that can help identify your exact triggers. Common allergy tests at a minimum identify reactions to: (more…)

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Why Is Whiplash Pain Often Delayed?

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries after an accident, especially an auto accident where you are rear-ended. Whiplash is caused by a sudden, violent jerking of the head back and forth, which overextends the neck muscles and soft tissues, causing small tears and injuries. This can lead to severe pain, dramatic reduction in range of motion, and significant impairment to a person’s ability to complete the activities of everyday life.

However, many whiplash sufferers feel fine just after the accident and even refuse medical attention. If whiplash is so bad, why doesn’t it show up immediately after being hurt? (more…)

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Why You May Need Post COVID Rehabilitation and Recovery

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We’re still learning things every day about COVID-19 and its mutations. Guidance on how to best treat the virus and promote optimal recovery after infection is very fluid, constantly changing as we gather more information about the normal path of disease progression versus symptoms that are outliers. One thing that is becoming more and more evident is that some COVID-19 survivors require post-illness rehabilitation and recovery to return to their pre-COVID levels of functioning. Some doctors have coined this collection of post-COVID symptoms as “long COVID”, and it is characterized by overwhelming fatigue and cognitive changes. (more…)

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New Year, New You With a Medical Assisted Weight Loss Plan

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Weight loss is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions and for good reason. Losing weight is one of the very best things you can do to improve your overall health. It also helps you look and feel your absolute best. Even with all its proven benefits, losing weight can be very difficult for some people. If you’ve tried other diets, medications, and trends to lose weight in the past with no luck, consider a medically-assisted weight loss plan from the experts here at TLC Medical in Tampa Bay! (more…)

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What Age Should I Start Receiving Preventative Botox?

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In the past, Botox was only given to women aged 40 and older to lessen the appearance of existing wrinkles, but not anymore! More and more younger individuals are using Botox preventatively to stop wrinkles and fine lines before they even start to form. Since Botox is approved for adults aged 18 and older, you may be wondering what age is the best for starting a preventative Botox regimen.

The Best Age to Start Preventative Botox Treatments


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Understanding the Different Symptoms for COVID-19, Flu, Allergies, and Colds

  • Post category:Covid 19


We’re right in the middle of cold and flu season, with the Omicron variant of COVID-19 looming ahead, and pollen season due to following right after. It’s more important than ever to recognize the differences between COVID-19, the flu, allergies, and the common cold. Misunderstandings about the symptoms lead many people to mistakenly think they just have a cold, when they are really spreading something more sinister.

Don’t be left in the dark about your symptoms. Use this convenient chart to determine which illness you are afflicted with so you can fight it effectively. (more…)

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What Happens to Your Hormones As You Age?

It’s common knowledge that our hormones change as we get older, but do you know exactly what changes occur?

Hormones are produced by the endocrine system and then secreted into the bloodstream. From the bloodstream, the hormones are distributed throughout the body into various organs and tissues.

As we age, the levels of certain hormones rise and fall as our organs and tissues begin slowing down. The following changes are common in most people:

  • The pituitary gland, which both stores and produces hormones, reaches its maximum size at age 20, then gradually becomes smaller with age.


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What Causes Winter Allergies?

Are allergy symptoms driving you crazy during the winter months? You’re not alone. One allergy specialist with the Mayo Clinic estimates that 5-20% of Americans have some type of winter allergy. That’s up to 65 million people!

What are Winter Allergies?

Winter allergies are simply allergies that are more prevalent in the colder months. These allergies include: (more…)

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Common Allergies Tested for in an Allergy Test

Over 50 million people in the United States each year experience allergy symptoms. That’s over 15% of the population! It’s no wonder that allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness here as well. Allergies are also the most common medical condition in children. Many adults walk around feeling “blah”, foggy, and congested (like a cold that never goes away), without even realizing these symptoms are caused by allergies. 

The cost of allergies is not just in human suffering. The AAFA estimates that almost $45 billion is spent on allergy care each year. That’s a huge chunk of change! (more…)

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